Thursday, February 28, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 7

Only one day left at Talahi Elementary! It has been quite the experience but I must say I am looking forward to sleeping in past 6:30 for one day. It has taken quite a toll on me and I think I could use a few naps to makeup for all my lost sleep.

Today we did a lot of the same routine things that we have been doing every other day. It gets to be hard to write about 3 hours that are quickly becoming routine. One of the highlights about today was when Ms. Atkinson pulled out the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This has always been one of my very favorite books and my mom has read it to me since I was a young girl. I love how imaginative the book is. The class is studying weather so it fits quite well with the curriculum. The children were laughing through the whole book. She had them write the title in their reading journal and draw pictures from the books and label them. It was a great way to keep the kids engaged and able to look back and reflect on the book later.

We also had a universal breakfast in which all the children went to eat together. It was pretty weird and I still don't know what to think of it so let me know what the rest of you think.

Stations was fun today. We did more flashcards and math counters. The children are really learning from having so much help in the classroom. There was also more snow in the sensory table which the children get pretty crazy with but it makes for some outside fun to come inside!

We learned a new card game and as we were leaving the students started to play with partners! That's my day and it was quite uneventful but there is more to come as I cry tomorrow leaving good ole Talahi!

Talahi Elementary- Day 6

Today at Talahi there were a lot of hand-on activities. The students have been studying the weather so all week they have had snow in the sensory table for them to play in. They love it. It amazes me all the different things they come up with.

The class worked on stories for writers workshop. This is a really cool part of the day. The students have the opportunity to sit alone in a part of the room, listen to music and write about whatever they wish. I was working with a boy named Harrison who was making a story about star wars. It was an amazing story that had a ton of misspelled words yet I could still read everything and see it in the pictures.

Fifth graders also came into our class to read us their homemade stories as well. That was quite fun because the stories were twists of traditionally told stories like the Three Little Pigs. This caught the children's attention and made them listen to find out what would happen next.

This was an awesome day with the Kindergartner's and I am beginning to realize how much I will miss them once I am gone. 2 more days....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 5

I am beginning to love the kids in my classroom. I think the hardest part of teaching will be letting go of the students at the end of each school year.

I had a blast this morning with the kids. They got to play in the snow and do a bunch of different stations. It seems like we do 10 times as much as we ever did the 1st few days.

I have been working with a young boy lately who is a bit behind the rest of the students. It was a challenge at first but I think I finally am beginning to understand him. For example he has no idea how to write his own name. He will pick up the pencil and pull away if you try to help him. However he will just sit there because he doesn't know how to do it. If you ask him if he needs help he will look at you and shake his head. I have never seen him smile as much as we did today. He is really good at using the scissors but holds them backwards and it his left hand. It looks quite uncomfortable but he gets the job done. He didn't know how to glue to that was my job. The rest of the day he was patting my back whenever I was by him.

We did a big art project creating a snowman out of strips of paper. I was laughing just about every 5 minutes because there was a young boy named Armani (My favorite shh don't tell) who made his so big there was no room for the rest of the snowman's body. He kept blaming it on me and saying, "Ms. S, I can't do it, if you do it for me I won't tell anybody." It was pretty funny because he would look up at me with a huge grin like it would actually work. We had to about double the size of his snowman to make the head and top hat fit. He then looked up at me and said, "Now look what you did, how's this suppose to fit in my backpack." It was pretty darn cute.

That's all for today! Wish me luck getting up and out of my room by 7am tomorrow again. It feels like it only gets harder and harder as we are nearing the end of our immersion!

Talahi Elementary- Day 4

Today at Talahi we pretty fun. I have been getting to know the students a lot better. Ms. Atkinson herself is beginning to open up more than normal which has been fun.

I think I have become pretty good friends with the copy machine in the school office. Today I made about 50 copies of different sheets and even learned how to enlarge. She always has some tasks for Emily and I to do right away in the morning. The kids are definitely warming up to Ms. H (Emily) and Ms. S (Me). They have finally learned our names so that in the morning when we greet one another during the meeting they no longer give us just a blank stare.

It is quite interesting to see how the students come into the classroom in the morning. The announcements come on the TV and there are about 3 students in the room if we are lucky. That gives Emily, Ms. Atkinson and I some solos during the pledge of allegiance. The kindergarteners are slow to get moving in the morning. Their tasks a lot of the time don't get finished. It seems like if she had a list everyday of their jobs it would go a lot smoother.

I still don't know what to make of this "take a break" deal. I feel like no one can use it effectively but I can also see how it has potential.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 3

Talahi was a lot of fun today. We learned about colors and the way they fit into the rainbow. The kids created their own super size book! It was a really cute idea and it seemed like the kids really had fun creating it.

We also got into groups like usual and read books. The girls all sat around me and just looked and me while I read the book. It was sorta funny. Like they had never seen or heard someone read to them before. I felt like there was a lot of learning going on in the classroom today which was a nice change from the first few days.

Right now we are learning about wood and what objects that are made out of wood look like. The kids were super interactive during this lesson and when it came time to label things that are made of wood they came up with some really good objects!

The only instance I had today that I was unsure about was when a young boy told me to look at the scratches on is hand. He said they were from his dad. He also told me that his dad gives him wine every night. He said that it is so gross and he doesn't even like it and that wine is suppose to be for adults and not kids. Later on one of the teachers found a scratch on his back that was bleeding. She took him to the nurse's office and I mentioned it before they left. This reminded me of how close to home these sitations happen.

The last comment I have is that for the first time at Talahi, the teacher made a reference to a different language or culture. She handed out half the worksheets in spanish for labeling wooden objects around the room. This was very different from my other school where every project, game, activity and lesson related to different cultures and languages.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 2

Things seemed to be a lot more structured in the Kindergarten class today. I think it all depends on the day and the mood of the classroom and what is going on. It still seemed very weird to me that there are always about six teachers in the classroom. I have never been in a classroom like this. I feel as though it is just more chaotic with the more adults.

I am still getting used to the names of the children. I am having a hard time only going for three hours every morning. I feel like we only see a part of the day and its the same part everyday. It's hard to grasp the full atmosphere of the day and how everything runs.

I did notice how unorganized the teacher was. In small group she has papers scattered all over the floor around her teaching chair and morning meeting board. She also has about three tables with just piles of her stuff on them. I remember working in my daycare at home and we had to keep everything in the closet unless it was accessible for the children as well. Having twenty some 5 year olds in a classroom there is no reason why the teacher should act as though she lives in the classroom. I decided the only areas students could go was their table, the group rug and the book area. This seemed to frustrate me quite a bit. If she was more organized then she wouldn't have such a chaotic classroom and teaching would be a lot easier.

Talahi Elementary- Day 1

My experience at Talahi was a bit different than what I expected. Emily and I were placed in a kindergarten class with about fifteen students. It was pretty crazy because the teacher seemed very random and chaotic. In the 3 hours we were there about twenty volunteers went in and out of the classroom. It was absolutely crazy and we had no clue who they were or why they only stayed for about ten minutes. The children were all at different levels and it didn’t seem like there was any structure to the classroom. There was no consistency to her disciplinary style. I felt like I was babysitting and after 4 years of working with 5 year olds in a daycare, I am ready for something new. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the week goes!

Expo Elementary- Day 5

Today was the final day at Expo. I miss it a lot and can’t believe it is over. Today my kids definitely showed me how much they would miss me when I was gone. I don’t think I have ever gotten more hugs in my life. The girls were constantly clinging to my sides. They even went as far to tell me that in honor of me leaving, they would wear a side pony just for me the day after I was gone. I put a headband in and a pony tail in everyday and wasn’t aware it made such a fast impression on the girls.

My favorite part was when Mrs. Olson made me take about 100 pictures with the kids and herself. We spent about 40 min. just taking pictures. A lot of the kids brought me valentines and made me goodbye cards. This little boy Espen made me a card with only pictures and told me he wanted to write me a note but he just is better at drawing pictures. If I wanted I could come back around Christmas or Saint Patrick’s Day.

I had lunch with the children today. I promised them for my last day I would eat with them instead of the teachers. It was interesting at lunch to see how the children interact when there isn’t a teacher around. Turns out that there was a bit of arguing at one of the girls tables. A young girl named grace was yelling and pushing another girl named Ana away from her table. She was shouting at her and telling her that she didn’t want her to sit next to her because she didn’t like her. I immediately interrupted by saying that we do not exclude our friends. She immediately responded by telling me that she is not her friend! At this point she was crying and hyperventilating. I had to tell her in a firm voice that the discussion was over and if I heard anymore she would be removed from the lunch room. The rest of the girls at the other table overheard this and invited Ana to come sit with them. This experience reminded me of the overwhelming drama of young girls. I know I will have a no tolerance rule for this in my classroom.

The students also created crazy bunny valentine bags for all their candy. All in all it was a great end to my Expo experience. I got to chat it up with the principle and really get to know my kids. I love EXPO!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Expo Elementary- Day 4

Today was a lot different than yesterday. Today was President Lincoln's birthday. Most of the day was spent around that. I did enjoy this because all of the subjects were incorporated into this one major theme. I realized today that how much you get accomplished within the day depends on the students. The children listened a lot more than yesterday, much like my first day at Expo.

I had the opportunity to go and listen to a responsive teaching method session in one of the 1st grade classrooms. I was not exactly sure at first what was going on but I got the hang of it very quickly. The woman Lisa who led the lesson on practicing spelling words did an awesome job with the children. She started off by giving them very clear directions and plenty of options. They could either write their words on a dry erase board, write them with magnetic letters on magnetic boards, write the words on paper three times or rainbow writing. My favorite method was rainbow writing because I feel as though they get the most out of it. Students chose three crayons and traced over the word with each crayon. I really enjoyed the way this session was handled. I think that sitting and observing this method was an extremely helpful part of my week! It helped me fulling understand the methods and reasons for what was happening in my 2nd grade class. Lisa stressed the importance of giving students options and letting them chose what they want to do. With that she also mentioned how important it is to follow up with the students after they have finished. One of her ideas was to lay out their work and walk around in a "gallery" to look at other ones that they liked. She also said to ask them if they would have picked a different method to practice their spelling words. Asking them what word they learned the best is a way to recap and summarize what they learned.

At lunch my kids and Drew's kids thought it would be completely necessary to tell everyone we were boyfriend and girlfriend. This was an ongoing joke throughout the day and for awhile they thought Laura was his girlfriend and then I convinced them it was Leah and Andrea. It was quite entertaining. The part that made me sad was when this boy named Adam said, "Miss Allison how old are you?" I responded, "20, why." Adam then said, "Your supposed to get married when you are 20...that means your married (laughing and running away)." I was a bit depressed because I am nowhere near marriage!

Tomorrow is my last day at Expo and I am pretty excited for it. The kids are super sad which makes me feel good (if thats not super selfish). They all talk about how I am getting valentines early because I won't be there on Thursday! Well here's to a good final day at Expo elementary!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Expo Elementary- Day 3

It was good to be back in the swing of things again today. I am starting to feel alot better and drank about 10 bottles of H2O throughout the day today. I realized that the classroom was a lot more chaotic today. It may have been because there wasn't a field trip or that we couldn't go outside today because it was too cold. Either way the classroom was nuts and it seemed as though listening was more difficult for everyone.

It may just be me but I feel like Expo promotes the so much self development and hardly teaches academics. I have never seen so much paper passing out and putting in the take home folder as I did today. I feel like the atmosphere is so crazy because it is such a carefree environment and therefore only half of what needs to get done actually does.

Don't get me wrong I still love Mrs. Olson. She is crazy fun and when she teaches she does an excellent job its just a very different style of teaching. I understand that children don't need to be babysat but I don't think they should be free to run around the room all day either. The teachers spend most of the day facilitating and trying to quiet the kids down then enything else.

Another thing I noticed was that there were a number of children who were discluded or ignored throughout the day. If students didn't understand what they needed to do there was no one who would help them individually. It is quite clear that children who are further behind will never get the special attention they need and therefore will not ever catch up to the children who learn much faster. I found this interesting because Expo thrives on helping students who are acceptional learners, meaning above and below the average.

Although my day was a bit different It was definately still a blast! I am getting to know the children more and more each day and the days are going by faster and faster! Can't wait for tomorrow!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Expo Elementary- What Should Have Been Day 2

Unfortunately, I stayed home sick today! It was my first experience calling in for a substitute. I really wish I could have been in the classroom today like all of you but I know the experience wouldn't have been all it should be. I will be back in action again on Monday!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Expo Elementary- Day 1

As we pulled up in the parking lot behind Expo Elementary, I was incredibly nervous but extremely excited. I knew that once I was in the classroom and had met the teacher I would be with that I would be fine. Turns out as we walk away from the car I hear someone say, "Is one of your names Allison?" It was my teacher! I turn around to find a cute little Korean lady with a leopard print coat, leopard print gloves, leopard print bag and purse and a leopard print hat. It was amazing. I immediately responded yes and she responded with an, "I knew it you kids look so young and fresh!" This pretty much sums up my day with ChanSoon Olson! I love her. Everytime she introduced me it was, "this is All-ee-son (pronounced that way, in a cute Korean accent)...she is our wonderful, fabulous, intelligent, beautiful student teacher!" It was quite a lot but fun too. Throughout the day she kept telling me how happy she was that I was in her classroom all week. She insisted we become great friends.

The morning started off with the morning meeting. Mrs. Olson was playing mozart as they were drawing pictures about the Chinese New Year. They then proceded to move into math and it all related to subtraction of the different years during the Chinese New Year. The classroom was really open and free. I definately say the humanist side of things. The children are surprisingly very smart and fairly well behaved. Mrs. Olson has a way of dealing with these children. She has this tiny bell that she rings and they are instantly quiet. If they disrespect the teacher talking in front of the class they appologize to her heart, because it hurts her that they don't care. She has a stop sign that she holds up when side conversations need to stop. She told me that the reason they listen so well is because she sets the standards in the beginning of the year. They make up all the rules and write down what they mean. This way they understand everything they are writing.

After this we ate a very quick lunch and then we went on the field trip. The kids were really well behaved and it was cool to see Mrs. Olson complimenting the children throughout the day. She respects them and sets incredibly high standards for them. One the bus Mrs. Olson turned to me and said, "I know you will be a great teacher, you have it in your eyes, I can just tell." Ismiled at her and then she continued. " I have little antennas (holding her pointer fingers on her head like an ant) I can sense it through them." This made me so happy!

After the field trip we came back and had quiet reading time and gym. During gym I had the opportunity to tutor a young girl named Ana. She was adopted from Russia and has just recently been put on medication for attention problems. It took her 2 hours to work on this worksheet. She was running around the room and couldn't calm herself down. Mrs. Olson kept on saying," Ana, you need to sit down and do your school work or you will not be able to go home." Ana would then respond with a loud vibrant," God made my feet for running so that is what I have to do!" Mrs. Olson said this is what she says over and over again on a typical day. After awhile of working with her, I finally found something that worked for both of us. Ana was to read a few paragraphs and answer some questions. She wouldn't stop watching all the children in the room. I finally had her close and cover her eyes and I asked her the questions. She had to picture in her mind what the answer was from the story and write it down. We did it until the end of the day.

Well i believe that is enough for tonight... it was an amazing day, can't wait for tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Class Reflection 2-04-08

I am incredible excited to start the immersion tomorrow. I am starting to get more and more nervous about the first day but I know I will be fine once I get into the swing of things. I think this experience will really help me to develop more and more as a teacher and not just a student learning about teaching.

I am ready to go...class today made it seem real and I am sick of talking about it! Let's do it :)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Class Reflection for 2-1-09

Class today got me really excited to be teaching in the cities. Although I am from just outside the cities, I have never taught a class with such a vast spread of cultures. It also got me really nervous but that will come and go.

I really enjoyed the video today. I think Gloria had some really important points that I forget. Positive encouragement just might be what keeps one of my students in class. It is crazy how much a little smile or hello can do to a child who is struggling. Even just to let them know that they can do it and that you believe in them! I think that just bringing a smile to these kids is something our whole block can do, whether we know their language or not.

Like we discussed in class it can be really hard to understand how to integrate standard english into a childs vocabulary. Especially when you don't speak the language they speak. We need to learn their language and help them learn ours and leave biases out of the picture. Although there are preconcieved stereotypes about how children look, dress and act, we can't reduce them because of this.