Thursday, February 28, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 7

Only one day left at Talahi Elementary! It has been quite the experience but I must say I am looking forward to sleeping in past 6:30 for one day. It has taken quite a toll on me and I think I could use a few naps to makeup for all my lost sleep.

Today we did a lot of the same routine things that we have been doing every other day. It gets to be hard to write about 3 hours that are quickly becoming routine. One of the highlights about today was when Ms. Atkinson pulled out the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This has always been one of my very favorite books and my mom has read it to me since I was a young girl. I love how imaginative the book is. The class is studying weather so it fits quite well with the curriculum. The children were laughing through the whole book. She had them write the title in their reading journal and draw pictures from the books and label them. It was a great way to keep the kids engaged and able to look back and reflect on the book later.

We also had a universal breakfast in which all the children went to eat together. It was pretty weird and I still don't know what to think of it so let me know what the rest of you think.

Stations was fun today. We did more flashcards and math counters. The children are really learning from having so much help in the classroom. There was also more snow in the sensory table which the children get pretty crazy with but it makes for some outside fun to come inside!

We learned a new card game and as we were leaving the students started to play with partners! That's my day and it was quite uneventful but there is more to come as I cry tomorrow leaving good ole Talahi!


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