Monday, February 11, 2008

Expo Elementary- Day 3

It was good to be back in the swing of things again today. I am starting to feel alot better and drank about 10 bottles of H2O throughout the day today. I realized that the classroom was a lot more chaotic today. It may have been because there wasn't a field trip or that we couldn't go outside today because it was too cold. Either way the classroom was nuts and it seemed as though listening was more difficult for everyone.

It may just be me but I feel like Expo promotes the so much self development and hardly teaches academics. I have never seen so much paper passing out and putting in the take home folder as I did today. I feel like the atmosphere is so crazy because it is such a carefree environment and therefore only half of what needs to get done actually does.

Don't get me wrong I still love Mrs. Olson. She is crazy fun and when she teaches she does an excellent job its just a very different style of teaching. I understand that children don't need to be babysat but I don't think they should be free to run around the room all day either. The teachers spend most of the day facilitating and trying to quiet the kids down then enything else.

Another thing I noticed was that there were a number of children who were discluded or ignored throughout the day. If students didn't understand what they needed to do there was no one who would help them individually. It is quite clear that children who are further behind will never get the special attention they need and therefore will not ever catch up to the children who learn much faster. I found this interesting because Expo thrives on helping students who are acceptional learners, meaning above and below the average.

Although my day was a bit different It was definately still a blast! I am getting to know the children more and more each day and the days are going by faster and faster! Can't wait for tomorrow!


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