Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Talahi Elementary- Day 3

Talahi was a lot of fun today. We learned about colors and the way they fit into the rainbow. The kids created their own super size book! It was a really cute idea and it seemed like the kids really had fun creating it.

We also got into groups like usual and read books. The girls all sat around me and just looked and me while I read the book. It was sorta funny. Like they had never seen or heard someone read to them before. I felt like there was a lot of learning going on in the classroom today which was a nice change from the first few days.

Right now we are learning about wood and what objects that are made out of wood look like. The kids were super interactive during this lesson and when it came time to label things that are made of wood they came up with some really good objects!

The only instance I had today that I was unsure about was when a young boy told me to look at the scratches on is hand. He said they were from his dad. He also told me that his dad gives him wine every night. He said that it is so gross and he doesn't even like it and that wine is suppose to be for adults and not kids. Later on one of the teachers found a scratch on his back that was bleeding. She took him to the nurse's office and I mentioned it before they left. This reminded me of how close to home these sitations happen.

The last comment I have is that for the first time at Talahi, the teacher made a reference to a different language or culture. She handed out half the worksheets in spanish for labeling wooden objects around the room. This was very different from my other school where every project, game, activity and lesson related to different cultures and languages.


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